
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 110: Sometimes we have to take some time for "me"

Hello there friends!

Here I am, alive and well! Still experiencing the great affects of this Juice Feast Journey. Today is day 110. I have decided that I'll end my journey after completing 150 days. Once I reach that milestone, my goal is to transition into a 100% raw living foods diet until I reach my ultimate weight for my body. I plan to maintain that weight with a very high raw food lifestyle.

So, I am very glad to be back online blogging about my experiences. Yay!!! I know I have been offline for about a month now. People have been asking me if I was done or how it was going. Honestly, I took some much needed time away from anything "extra" in my life this past month. I spent the time adjusting to many new schedules and dynamics in my life. I have been doing a lot of introspective work. I have been reading a great book called "Raw Emotions" by Angela Stokes Monarch. I am so thankful for this book as it is such a great source of inspiration while embarking on a juice journey or raw food lifestyle while dealing with the emotions that surround food and eating. I'm working on a lot of the emotional issues I have had surrounding my food addictions. I'm also working on my Life Plan and my lists of Desires for myself in this life. It has been a time of emotional transformation and a time of clarity.

I have many things I have learned over this past month I would love to share, starting with some tips and tricks during a Juice Feast. Stay tuned for a new blog with those soon!

Well it is time to get myself to bed. It is late and my body needs its rest these days to do its magic. ;)

I wish you peace & love.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Slideshow: Down 41.6 lbs

The last picture was take 100 lbs off exactly on 09/20/11. 41.6 lbs released on this journey! woohoo!

I am down 100 lbs since 2007 when I was at my record high.  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 73: Down 41 lbs!!! Woohoo!

Hi Friends,

How is everyone's weekend going? Today I am so grateful for this journey. So so grateful. I am digging deep into my spirituality these days and really starting the transformation of my mind and my thoughts. I must say the Secret and The Law of Attraction (Abraham-Hicks) are really changing my world and how I view it.  I hold such power within me. A friend wrote on her facebook wall, all the power that ever was or ever will be is with you now. Very powerful words and it is true. Once you learn this and believe it you will see your life change exponentially. 

So as the title of my blog states I am down 41 lbs today, and I am beaming with pure joy.  I started this journey just 73 days ago at 266.4 and in a state of despair and hopelessness. I am just amazed at the transformation I have undergone.  I am 225.4 today and I am still shooting for 199 lbs at the end of this journey. It is 25.6 lbs to go in 27 days but I BELIEVE and KNOW I can do it and I am holding on the the thought and feeling and sending that desire daily out into the Universe.  (Please send positive thoughts of this as well if you feel so inclined ;))

I plan on making a new video soon. What would you all like me to talk about? I think I have a good idea of what to talk about but would love some feedback from you.

Well I have to run. I need to make the last hour of the Farmers Market today to get my goodies for the week ;)

Have a wonderful joyous day friends.

Sending lots of love.

Peace & Love,

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 61: Over 60% complete!

Hello Friends,

Today I am so thankful for this whole process. I appreciate how much I feel I am growing, evolving and healing during this journey. I am so grateful.

I have realized that it has been awhile since I posted and I apologize.  I want you to know I have NOT given up on this nor have I forget anyone.  I just have been a busy mama getting ready for my youngest daughter to go to school for the first time at a wonderful lil Co-op Preschool where I have accepted a board position; as well as my oldest daughter is attending a new Charter School this year as well as setting up many extra curricular activity classes for them.... We are also busy painting, decorating, and purchasing furniture for our daughters new bedrooms...we are also actively searching for a doggie to rescue....I also just became an Aunt for the first time today!!! as you can see, I have been one busy busy mama! ;).  I must admit it has been VERY tough to stick to this juice feast during this time....but I am not giving up. Things are starting to calm down a little bit and I am truly trusting in this process.  I feel that this is the time of "big life changes" that Angela Stokes-Monarch refers to in her book The Juice Feasters Handbook.  I am doing a lot of soul searching right now (when I have free time) by reading Dr. Wayne Dyers book "Being in Balance", watching The Secret Movie, The Secret Behind the Secret and next diving into the book by Abrams-Hicks "Ask and it Will be Given."  I am really working on changing the way I think about things, as Thoughts ARE things. They manifest in your life. And I realize that I have to work a lot on this area.  I have a lot I want to talk about as well as videos I want to make and share with you. Please stick with me during this busy time. I promise that things will calm down in the next week or so.  I appreciate all your love and support and hope that you enjoy this journey as well...

Juices I am enjoying today:
2 Quarts of Green Juices: Swiss Chard, Dino Kale, Bok Choy, Cucumber, Ginger, Lemon, 1 Jalapeno, Apples
1 Quart: Orange/Murcott (Honey Tangerine) juice
1-2 Quarts of Yellow Watermelon Juice

Have a wonderful day friends.

Peace and Love,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 53: This is a Life Changing Journey

Hi Friends!

I'm sure you have realized that I have been quieter lately as I have found this is whole process to be a deeply emotional and life transforming journey for me. I have experienced some life trials in the past week or so and I have been soul searching and tapping into my spiritual side during this time.

As of today, I am so blessed for my families support and my great strength I have within me to accomplish my biggest dreams. I am so very thankful for the movie "The Secret" and the book "Being In Balance" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. They have been a great support for me. My life is
abundant and full of blessings and I am so grateful. :)

I'm happy to say that as of this morning I have lost another 1.0 pounds for a total of 35.4 lbs in 52 days on this Feast! :) I'm envisioning being at 199 lbs at the end of my 100 days on this feast. That means I am desiring to release about 31.2 lbs more in the next 47 days. I have begun my vision board, my spiritual journal, meditating, yoga and increased my exercise and free weight training. I truly believe the Universe will deliver my wishes if I stay steadfast and do not lose sight of my desires. I plan on remaining as positive as possible through the rest of this journey (and the rest of my life.) It is something I must work at. I wrote on my bathroom mirror with dry erase marker "I was born to add value to this world." That is on the top. Then on the left side is a list of the main things I am so grateful for. Then on the right is the things I desire from the universe. I wake up each morning, look in the mirror and meditate on them while I am getting ready in the morning for a good 10+ minutes. It is really life changing for me.

I would like to make a new video soon to share. I have a list of tips I would like to share. Please stay tuned. I hope you have enjoyed my slideshow pics of my weight loss. It has keep me motivated to watch them myself. :)

Well I am off to enjoy my family. I plan on shopping for some more yummy produce, buying paint to begin designing our daughters new rooms and preparing for the upcoming school year.

Juices I will be enjoying today are:
*1 quart of water with lemon juice and msm caps
*1 quart of Green Juice: Dino Kale, Green Kale, Lemon, Ginger, Red Jalapeno, Garlic, Carrots and Green Apples
* 1 quart of green, red, purple grape Juice
* 1 quart of Sweet Melon Juice (it is an heirloom variety from local farmers market, I forget the name)
* Another 1 quart of the Green Juice Listed above

I wish you all a day full of blessing and gratitude. May you receive all you desire. xo

Peace & Love,


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 49: I am still here!!!

Hi Friends!

Sorry to have been quiet lately. Been busy getting my life in order for the upcoming school year. Just another few days in the life of a busy mama. ;)  So I would like to say that I am so thankful for the movie "The Secret". I watched it last night and it has really got me to change my thoughts and attitude towards things. I highly recommend you watch it if you have not yet.  Also I will be watching The Secret Behind the Secret soon and will let you know how that one goes. Here is a preview of "The Secret":

I am also happy to report I lost another 1.0 lbs today for a total of 34.4! Yahoooo! Another thing I have decided is I want to do this for 100 days. My goal is to be at 199 at the end of 100 days. A big task but one I feel I can accomplish with the power of The Secret and The Law of Attraction. :) After 100 days I am going to go to a 100% Raw Foods Diet until I reach my goal of around 185 -189.  So tomorrow will be day  5-0!!! Day 50! Half way to 100! I am so happy that my addictions are falling away. I only get the occasional craving for VEGETABLES, especially tomatoes.  I plan on juicing more tomato juices and playing with the recipes till I get one I really like. I love garlic so I may do a garlic basil one tomorrow.   One thing I have done is add a piece of garlic to all my morning "Lemon Ginger Blast" green juices. SO YUM!!! I LOVE them now! :)
Well off to take a warm bath with some Apple Cider Vinegar in it for my skin, while drinking my chamomile tea and watching a video :)
Have a wonderful night friends!
Peace & Love,

p.s. I have a new pic to post soon too of another 10 lbs off since the last weight lost pic. I will post it tomorrow, stay tuned. xo

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 43: Trust in the Process

Today I am so thankful for the strength I possess within. Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Today I am enjoying my Quart of Water with fresh Lemon in it (taken with MSM caps)
I will be making my juices for the day soon. I like to give my digestive system time to wake up in the morning.

So as the title states, we must "trust in the process." Why do I say this? Well I woke up today and lost another .8 lbs (almost a pound from yesterday.) Wow! My body is back at work again releasing the excess weight. I cannot say my body wasnt working the past few days when I hadnt been losing, it most likely was, but it was internal and I it could not be measured or seen on the scale. One thing I remember my old Weight Watchers Leader telling me was "the scale is not a true reflection of your progress."  It has really resonated with me now more than ever before, especially being on a Juice Feast.  Looking back at my daily weights on days 19-23 and days 36-39 days I have hit plateaus. I didnt realize till right now I have actually hit 2 so far. And each time they are 4 to 5 days long. But looking at the overall picture I am so glad I have persevered on and will not give up on this journey. As I stated yesterday, "the BATTLE ENDS NOW!"  And I tell myself that every time I am in the kitchen.  I cannot tell you the power of words and what we tell ourselves. You must try it to fully understand and believe me.  Put on your fridge (or wherever is a good focal place for you) some words that are very meaningful to get you thru your journey, your day, your situation, what ever that might be. Then read those words with truth and conviction each time you see them, and watch the power they have in changing your life. :)

Well friends I am off to make my yummy juices for the day. I plan on making a video today! Feel to great not to ;)  Stay tuned.

Have a wonderful day.
Peace & Love,